"Pearl is the kinda lure you tie on, when you don't want to worry about whatcha got tied on."
It's not super flashy, just gets the job done.
Iridescent Pearl, with a touch of silver flake and a pinch of top secret, violet UV reflective pixy dust.
A super natural one like Midnight Mullet, great for any variety of situations, but really shines in shallow clear water on overcast days!
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It's not super flashy, just gets the job done.
Iridescent Pearl, with a touch of silver flake and a pinch of top secret, violet UV reflective pixy dust.
A super natural one like Midnight Mullet, great for any variety of situations, but really shines in shallow clear water on overcast days!
M. - Pearl is one of the lures you tie on when you don't want to worry about what you got tied on. It works well in a variety of conditions, but my absolute favorite is fishing shallow, clear water on gloomy, overcast days. The day I fooled my first 30" trout was a picture perfect example, heavily overcast, misting and cold with a light north breeze steadily rolling in. We were fishing knee deep grass with scattered oysters, I was throwing Pearl on an Owner 1/16oz screw lock jighead with a 1/0 hook, bringing it in with a steady "twitch-twitch-pause" when my line tightened up and I yanked back into the brick wall that was this gator, she immediately surfaced and showed me exactly what was 'on the line' during that fight, we snapped a few pictures and she swam off clean!
On this day I was hell bent on catching a big trout, I didn't care if I got one bite the whole trip, as long as it was the one, I'd be stoked, and when I get in a mood like that, there's only one color I'm turning to, Pearl. We pulled up to the spot, about where I caught that 30" in the first picture, and I went straight for my medium, extra fast set up, rigged up with one of our massive 7" baits in Pearl on a weedless, weightless 10/0 owner Beast Hook. I slipped off the boat and went to work launching the big bait and working it back with varying degrees of twitches and pauses. I stuck to my guns and after about 25 minutes without a bite and seeing plenty of activity, way at the end of a long cast my bait was violently stopped dead in its tracks, I yanked back with equal violence and buried that 10/0 in the corner of her mouth and the fight was on! This gorgeous, 28" fish came to hand for a few pictures, was released healthy and completed a 19lb Texas Slam for me that day, definitely one I'll never forget!
This trout was caught in similar weather as the first one on this page, heavily overcast, light breeze, misting rain. This time we were even shallower though, less than knee deep and walking over solid oysters. I was working it quickly to keep it off the shells and after 6 or 7 rat reds my Pearl got hammered, line went limp, and I reeled down and set the hook into something ..different, that ended up being a massive trout that was pushing 9lbs! She put up a crazy fight with tons of head shakes, and was released still angry. Basically what I'm trying to say, is if you gave me a choice of 2 colors to throw on a gloomy day, I'd pick Pearl twice.